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#8 "A Day in a Week" - Happy Sunday, May the 1-st.

“Keep your goals away from the trolls.”


Quotes & Photos of the Week

If you have everything under control, you're not moving fast enough.”

Images: Momentum


#8 "A Day in a Week" - Happy Sunday, May the 1st.

Happy Labour Day!

Is it happy dought? I don't know what it is even to celebrate.

The escape from a small to medium cag? But calculate the intellectual development in the past few decades, and here we are at size S of the cage once more. But let's not dark and gloom the day. It's Sunday. I want to recap.

Happy Sunday, Everybody!


Two weeks from the last post, and I have nothing to say. No, not to you. I am writing this journal for me anyway, remember?

Morning sun after a night shift workdays. The body is acing, every single bone. I promise you anything to get me out of this hell. OK, that's all from John Lennon for now.

Why so dark and gloom this morning? OK! Let's try again.


I am living with a heavy drug user in the room. He vomited himself after the latest alcohol and drug overdose. I checked that he was breathing and went to sleep. The guy kept on vomiting and aching in pain for the entire night. Then he lost money he didn't have at the casino. I am changing my room today. Can't wait. Ok! Positive, positive.

Did an assignment for a great company and a great position. Took me a full day to complete the research. This could be it. I did a video for my sites as well. It was still going slow on every angel. Am I losing fate or ambition? Damn! It's dark and gloomy on a sunny day in The Netherlands.

Ok, it is close to 9 AM. I had to start some packing—moving day.

In two weeks might be a little brighter.


To end up on a positive note:

  • Hey, It's labor day. We got a lot to celebrate and acknowledge the long distance we have moved.

  • I had a fantastic opportunity for a, believe it or not, dream job. When a dream job comes along to a person who doesn't want an ordinary job, that is more than the bright side of things.

  • Moving away from a damn depressing room. Positive.

Happy Sunday, everyone. It's a sunny day here in Den Bosch, The Netherlands.

Keep on Rising,

* @skyboy46 & @skyboy46_ on all Social Media



I want to highlight some good positive news that happened recently. We, as humans, rarely focus on the positive I think it will be a good idea if we focus on some of the not so ugly things on our planet. One might even find them fascinating and charging.

Note: Those were just short highlights/headlines that I found to grab my attention. If any headlines get your attention, links will be provided for each headline.



"A day in the life" - Poetry of Love & Life

Full eBook with all 30 Poems Available on Amazon

Also available as PDF on MySkyPet & ElonReevesArts on ETSY


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Still I Rise by Skyboy46 - Available on ElonReevesArts

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