“One bad chapter does not make the book of your life.”
Benjamin Franklin
Quotes & Photos of the Week
Images: Momentum
#5 "A Day in a Week" - Day 20 of...?
n the early hours, we are rising from the dark,
waking to see another endless shadow of light.
Woked into another country, nation,
eating from the bread of strangers' hands.
Is it Monday, Friday, February? March?
I don't know that. Well, that means that I'm alive!
Am I? Is this Poland or Moldova? There is no bombing...
It is not Ukraine. Deep breath, another... What the hell!
Twenty days today of medieval killings, with a trace of 1939!
I am not a gambler, I don't even know the rules, but I hope a
BlackJack will be lucky for tomorrow, and Ukraine will win.
It is strange, I think, however, of what we see
one nation fighting side by side for freedom.
All the others are fighting with each other
for a drop of cheaper oil. Insane!
What if your country was Ukraine tomorrow?
How would you survive? I know you...
I'm sorry! I see that you are more concerned about
inflation. I will let you be.
I am thankful for the evolution,
but not for our current human race.
I want to highlight some good positive news that happened recently. We, as humans, rarely focus on the positive I think it will be a good idea if we focus on some of the not so ugly things on our planet. One might even find them fascinating and charging.
Note: Those were just short highlights/headlines that I found to grab my attention. If any headlines get your attention, links will be provided for each headline.
Keep on Rising,
* @skyboy46 & @skyboy46_ on all Social Media
"A day in the life" - Poetry of Love & Life
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