Quotes & Photos of the Week
“Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live."
- Jim Rohn
Purpose: an intention or aim; a reason for doing something or for allowing something to happen." Have a clear vision, and you will outwork and outpace everyone. Your purpose will drive you. Welcome to "Life Stories". Do you want money? Freedom? Success? The meaning is freedom. We all must have a why in life ! What is the purpose of life? Is it to be happy? What makes life worth living? Join us in today's episode, and have a purpose.
Hello, and welcome to "Life Stories." If this is not your first time here, you should know the drill. Relax, put your phone away, and give your 100 percent attention for the next just a couple of minutes. Please take a deep breath, and join us in today's journey about purpose.
By definition, a purpose is: "an intention or aim; a reason for doing something or for allowing something to happen."
Today is a story about an average person with average intelligence, average school results, average jobs, and average health. This person was never the brightest or the sharpest. He wasn't an extrovert, but he wasn't an introvert also. He simply didn't belong anywhere.
This person only wanted one thing wife. To be free. Not to wake up by an alarm clock, not to be sitting or standing d for 10 hours a day. His purpose was to have as much free time as possible, even if that meant not living in a penthouse. And this is where the magic started to happen. You can feel the motivation coming out from the soul!
From this moment, they were no excuses. No more fear of the life that you want to have. What is the one thing you want so bad, the one thing you want more than anything? What is your purpose? Why are you doing this for? Do you want freedom? Do you want money? Success? Do you want fame? What is the price you are willing to pay because the main hero in our story paid the price! The cost of leaving his friends and family, leaving his country, leaving everything! Everything! The purpose was freedom. The price was not important. It only took three years to achieve ten years of freedom, with three years of hard work and dedication, 24/7. Was it perfect? No! Was it achieved? Yes! Now it only has to be adjusted for better results.
The point of this episode is that if we want to succeed in life, we must have a clear why, meaning a crystal clear purpose.
Write it down, read it every day, and repeat it as a mantra. Have a clear vision, and you will outwork and outpace everyone. Your purpose will drive you.
Here is what we say to ourselves almost on a daily basis.
I will get to my dreams!
Nothing will stop me!
No one will stop me!
I am unstoppable.
When I'm in pain, I will keep pushing because I have a purpose.
When they are in pain, they will fail because they don't have a purpose.
Every day I'm getting closer. Every day I'm getting stronger.
When their race is finished, I do one more lap and then another.
From this moment, they are no more room for my excuses.
And this is how an average person with a clear purpose will always outperform the smartest in the game of life.
Purpose is something for which one is responsible; it's not just divinely assigned.
It's not enough to have lived. We should be determined to live for something.
The two most important days in life are the day you are born, and the day you find out why. And, when you find your WHY, you don't hit snooze anymore! You find a way to make it happen!
Thank you for watching.
And until next time,
Keep on Rising!
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And Until Next Time,
Keep on Rising,
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I want to highlight some good positive news that happened recently. We, as humans, rarely focus on the positive I think it will be a good idea if we focus on some of the not so ugly things on our planet. One might even find them fascinating and charging.
Note: Those were just short highlights/headlines that I found to grab my attention. If any headlines get your attention, links will be provided for each headline.
"A Day In The Life" - Poetry of Love & Life
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